Stadshypotek AB (publ)

Sweden EEA Member

Stadshypotek AB is a public credit market company authorised to conduct operations under the Swedish Banking and Financing Business Act. Since 1997, the company has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Svenska Handelsbanken AB(publ). Its business is focused primarily on the financing of residential, office and real estate in Sweden as well as in Norway. On March 13, 2006 Stadshypotek was granted authorization by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority,"the SFSA", to issue covered bonds in accordance with the Swedish Covered Bond Act. Covered Bond Rating: Moody's Investors Service: Aaa

Pool Program details

Identifier Stadshypotek Swedish Pool
Country Sweden
Legal framework Swedish Covered Bonds
Harmonised transparency template
Pool type Mortgage
Description 100 % Swedish assets.

Bond details

ISIN SE0013884905
Other identifier SH2030G
Face value (EUR) 539,481,020
Face value (SEK),00
Initial Issuance Date 02/07/2024
Maturity Date 02/07/2029
EU Label European Covered Bond (Premium)
Maturity profile SB
Tapped No
Coupon Type Fixed
Syndicated Yes
Listed Yes
Sustainable covered bond Yes
Description Swedish Covered Bond, fixed rate 2.883% pa, maturity date 2 July 2029
Additional Information Swedish Covered Bond Program