DBS Bank Ltd


Pool Program details

Identifier DBS Bank Limited USD 20 billion Global Covered Bond Programme
Country Singapore
Legal framework Singapore Covered Bonds
Harmonised transparency template https://www.dbs.com/investors/fixed-income/covered-bond-reports
Pool type Mortgage
Description The programme is unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed as to payments of interest and principal by Bayfront Covered Bonds Pte. Ltd.

Bond details

ISIN XS2715166653
Other identifier
Face value (EUR) 575,340,890
Face value (GBP) 500.000.000,00
Initial Issuance Date 17/11/2023
Maturity Date 17/11/2026
EU Label Non-EEA, Art 14 CBD compliant
Maturity profile SB
Tapped No
Coupon Type Floating
Syndicated Yes
Listed Yes
Description Reg S Series 1
Additional Information Issued out of London Branch